What makes you qualified to talk about football?
Screw off. We're lifelong fans who want to share our opinions with an English audience--and that's about it. We're pretty good writers too, guy.

Who're Real Madrid CF?

Who's your favorite player of all time? 
Finally, we're asking ourselves good questions. Well, Gabe has a three-way tie between Don Alfredo, El gran capitán (Raúl), and Zinedine Zidane.  For Josh, it's Zinedine Zidane, no doubt about it. 

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Anonymous said...

im not part of bleacher report but um i would like to see ur articles here because my computer can change slides :(

Gabe L and Josh Z said...

We'll post all of our articles that used slides on here from now on. Thanks for the comment!


Anonymous said...

I like slides too.