We encourage fans to send Managing Madrid love letters and all kinds of adorations--our email address is managingmadrid(at)gmail(dot)com.

For Barça fans, or other totally useless scum, you are technically legally allowed to send us emails. So go ahead. Maybe we'll read your drivel on the podcast.

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Anonymous said...

eek! i do understand the passion, but the hostility is too much for me. good blog up to this point...

Nora said...

Very nice blog with well-written articles. I also enjoy your podcast! (I just wish I could hear Josh's voice a little better) Great job!

Carlos Perez de David, Chiriqui, Panama said...

thanks guys for the great job you are doing.

Reuben said...

Hey guys, I am a staunch Madrid fan, and thinks you guys are great. But gotta point out one thing though. In the post about Nuri Sahin, you said Khedira is "German Born Turkish", but he is not. He is Tunisian-German (half & half).

Anonymous said...

hey i realy like your popcast and i watch it be fore the matchon my ipod am wating for your next soon for the next classico and by the ways i ave a question for you to talk abouth it is the penlaty that i tinck cr7 should ave call wath do you tinck abouth it

Gabe said...

Hey all, just to avoid any confusion, we've moved to some sweet new digs over at SBNation,, so check us out over there. Hala Madrid!